JS611 Solar Racer
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Para FORMULA JS611 E-CAR Kit pendidikan matahari (atau baterai) dioperasikan Race Car. Perakitan adalah sangat menyenangkan, karena Anda belajar banyak tentang teknologi surya. Anda dapat mengoperasikan Mobil Racing oleh sel surya dengan motor elektro, tetapi juga melalui propellor atau dengan tenaga angin. Anda juga dapat beroperasi dengan dua baterai AA biasa.
Termasuk: Solar cell, propellor, Motor, Miniatur bola lampu untuk percobaan dan Formula E-Car Kit.
Termasuk: Solar cell, propellor, Motor, Miniatur bola lampu untuk percobaan dan Formula E-Car Kit.
English :
JS611 Solar Racer
The JS611 FORMULA E-CAR is an educational Kit solar (or battery) operated Race Car. The assembly is a lot of fun, because you learn a lot about solar technology. You can operate the Racing Car by the solar cell with electro motor, but also through a propellor or by wind power. You can also operate it with two regular AA batteries.
Included: Solar cell, Propellor, Motor, Miniature light bulb for experiments and the Formula E-Car Kit.
The JS611 FORMULA E-CAR is an educational Kit solar (or battery) operated Race Car. The assembly is a lot of fun, because you learn a lot about solar technology. You can operate the Racing Car by the solar cell with electro motor, but also through a propellor or by wind power. You can also operate it with two regular AA batteries.
Included: Solar cell, Propellor, Motor, Miniature light bulb for experiments and the Formula E-Car Kit.