ASURO - Robot Programmable |
Kit Robot mobil dengan ukuran kecil
Spesifikasi :
- Berbasis mikrokontroler AVR ATmega8
- Memiliki 2 buah motor yang mampu dikontrol secara terpisah
- 1 buah sensor linetracer, 6 sensor untuk menghindari terjadinya tabrakan
- 2 buah sensor ordometer, LED indikator
- Mampu diprogram secara bebas sesuai dengan aplikasi yang ingin dibangun dengan menggunakan bahasa C
- Terdapat library untuk bahasa C, sehingga mempermudah user untuk merancang sebuah algoritma pemograman
- Menggunakan antarmuka serial (wireless via infrared) untuk mengisikan kode program ke dalam mikrokontroler
- Terdapat contoh program, panduan untuk merakit dan memprogram kit robot
- Memerlukan proses perkaitan kit robot
- Komponen, mikrokontroler, motor dan papan PCB terdapat dalam 1 paket pembelian
- Dapat digunakan untuk lomba robot linetracer ataupun lomba robot yang lain.
Dapat dikombinasikan, dengan sparepart asuro ASURO Ultrasound Distance Measurement Kit, ASURO Snake Vision Kit, ASURO Display Kit, ASURO Minesweeper Kit.
ASURO is a tiny mobile robot developed for educational purposes by
DLR, the German aerospace centre.
It is very flexible and completely programmable in C. Assembly is easy
for experienced electronic technicians and feasible for a novice.
Except for the printed circuit boards (PCB) only standard parts are
utilized and freeware tools can be used for programming.
Therefore ASURO is exceptionally suitable as an introduction into
processor-controlled hobby electronics, for projects in schools
and universities, for studies and adult education centre.
Special tools, which are freeware for private users, have been used
for all electronic development phases and software design,
proving that robots can be designed without expensive tools or machines.
ASURO is equipped with an Atmel AVR RISC-processor and two independently controlled motors, an
optical line tracer, six collision-detector switches, two odometer-sensors, three indicator LEDs and an
IR-Interface for programming and remote controlling by a PC.
Detail Product
There are some additional parts available for ASURO (excluded in the Kit).
DLR, the German aerospace centre.
It is very flexible and completely programmable in C. Assembly is easy
for experienced electronic technicians and feasible for a novice.
Except for the printed circuit boards (PCB) only standard parts are
utilized and freeware tools can be used for programming.
Therefore ASURO is exceptionally suitable as an introduction into
processor-controlled hobby electronics, for projects in schools
and universities, for studies and adult education centre.
Special tools, which are freeware for private users, have been used
for all electronic development phases and software design,
proving that robots can be designed without expensive tools or machines.
ASURO is equipped with an Atmel AVR RISC-processor and two independently controlled motors, an
optical line tracer, six collision-detector switches, two odometer-sensors, three indicator LEDs and an
IR-Interface for programming and remote controlling by a PC.
Detail Product
There are some additional parts available for ASURO (excluded in the Kit).